Happy New Year! We found 2011 to be a very optimistic year for the gallery. The economy is starting to improve and more importantly art patrons are once again purchasing. We want to thank all of you who passed through the gallery this past year, it was a pleasure to work with you, we appreciate your business and we look forward to seeing you again this season.
Last season’s exhibitions featuring four generations of Camille Pissarro’s family was a resounding success, as was “Favorite Places” featuring the work of acclaimed artist John Traynor. Sandi Blanda held her first workshop on Martha’s Vineyard on how to make Sailors’ Valentines. Everyone who took the three day workshop had a wonderful time with her. One of the participants even entered her completed valentine at the Agricultural Fair in August and won second place for her creation! More recently we exhibited at the 15th Annual Boston International Fine Art Show which proved to be a very interesting weekend meeting new clients and catching up with our colleagues.
This can be considered a quiet time on the Vineyard, but we are very busy planning the upcoming season and talking to artists about their works. And we do have artists sending new work now. We received this painting by William R. Davis last week and it’s absolutely stunning!

Our website is a current representation of the gallery’s inventory and as new works become available they will be added.
We will be traveling to Paris at the end of this month to see several dealers for our Works on Paper collection. We recently sold La Danse a la Campagne by Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Histoire Ennuyeuse by James Jacques Tissot; and find our collection of works in need of some new acquisitions. This season we again will feature an exhibition of the Works on Paper, which will include the Pissarro family, as well as other notable modern masters.
We also have an exhibition planned for early July with Lloyd Kelly featuring paintings of the French countryside and other interests. Lloyd is a very accomplished artist whose paintings have hung in many of our American embassies abroad, as well as, many private collections in this country. The last exhibition we did with Lloyd was at the National Arts Club in New York City in 2004 so we are very much looking forward to sharing with you his new works this July.
There will be two gallery strolls this summer, the first taking place on Thursday, July 12th and the second on Thursday, August 9th. Sandi Blanda will be back for another Sailors’ Valentine workshop the second week of August. This summer’s workshop will include an advance class for those who took last summer’s workshop.
We will keep you posted on the gallery’s news and happenings throughout the winter. If you find yourself on the Vineyard over the next couple of months please stop by and say hello as we are open year round.
Our best to you and yours and wishing you all a happy and healthy new year!